Category Archives: Horror Merch

FEARtober: Downloadable Pumpkin Stencils From FEARnet


FEARnet has launched FEARtober: 31 Days of Treats.  Halloween would not be complete without some kickass pumpkins, just ask Sam.  Today’s treat for you guys are some pretty awesome pumpkin stencils.  The stencils include the FEARnet splatter logo, Sam’s mask from Trick-r-Treat, Sam’s face, and the Crypt Keeper.

To download these awesome stencils follow the link below and click on the calendar square and the stencils will begin to download.

FEARtober day 2 treat: Pumpkin Stencils

Enjoy this treat from FEARnet.  There are more to come.  Stay tuned, I will post the treat of the day for the entire FEARtober event.


‘Maximum Overdrive’ Goblin Head Resurrected: Interview with Tim Shockey

540722_414385618679535_1253176858_nOne of the most iconic images from the 1986 Stephen King classic, ‘Maximum Overdrive,’ is no doubt the Happy Toyz truck and the bright green goblin head that adorned the front of it.  It is a real shame that they blew the truck and the Goblin Head up, but one man has made many fans’ dreams come true by reconstructing the head and bringing it to conventions for the fans to see.  His name is Tim Shockey.  Below is an interview with Mr. Shockey about his journey restoring the famed Green Goblin Head.

1003808_10151648004440808_878758196_nLBoH: How and when did you find the Goblin Head?

Tim Shockey: In 1987 the truck was taken to Silent Rick’s junkyard in Wilmington, NC. A man saw the truck go past his house on its way to the junkyard. He knew the owner of Silent Rick’s and ask him for the head and they gave it to him. He cut it off of the truck and took it home. A couple of months later he was going to have to move to an apartment and wouldn’t have room to keep it so he ran an ad in the local newspaper.
All of my family lives in that area and one of my brothers called me up and said I might want this to put in my video store. I called the man up and we worked out a deal and I left that night to go get it. We had it in the video store till we sold the business. After that it went to my back yard where it lay for many years.

LBoH: Not having previously seen Maximum Overdrive, what made you decide to purchase the head?

Tim Shockey: I owned a large video store at that time and thought it would be great to have it for fans to see. It was great advertising!

LBoH: What condition was the Goblin Head in when you purchased it?625499_351135338337897_1651645939_n

Tim: The head was in horrible condition. The whole jaw was missing along with the tongue and tops of the ears. Eyes were gone and the whole thing was burnt.

LBoH: Can you explain a little bit about the restoration process?

Tim Shockey: I own a sign company and use our software with DVD stills to bring the head life size on the screen. I then hand traced the jaw line and front side of the chin on screen. I had the plotter print out these pieces life-size and then cut them out of a corrugated plastic called coroplast. I then taped these pieces together and constructed a 3-D jaw which I screwed into the original piece of the head. Many measurements were taken from the screen and checked on the head to make sure everything was in place correctly. I then started laying several layers of fiberglass on the plastic. After it was thick enough I came in from the back side and removed the coroplast leaving on the fiberglass in place. Then I just continued adding fiberglass to thicken it up.

LBoH: At which convention did you debut your work on the Goblin Head?

1000196_413175485467215_884959880_nTim Shockey: We finished painting the Green Goblin head on March 16, 2013 and the following Friday we took it to HorrorHound Weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio. This was the first convention for me and the Green Goblin head! We had a blast!!

LBoH: What are some of your more memorable reactions from fans?

Tim Shockey: Wow there is so many great reactions for the fans!  We’ve had people come up and show us a tattoo of the Green Goblin head, most people want to shake my hand and thank me for restoring a great piece of movie memorabilia. One fan drove for 3 hours to a convention just to see the head. They talked for a little, got their picture taken with it and then headed home!!

LBoH: Would you ever like to see the Goblin Head mounted on a truck similar to the ‘Happy Toyz’ truck from the film?

Tim Shockey: Not really and for several reasons. I can’t stand the thought of it being on a truck and rocks, bugs, etc. from the road hit 575891_381397088645055_1341078310_nit and mess it up. Also, there are so many places I take it to that it wouldn’t be able to fit inside if it were mounted on a truck. And it keeps my expenses down to transport it in the trailer then to have it on a truck.

LBoH: Aside from the Goblin Head, what other movie memorabilia do you have in your collection?

Tim Shockey: I actually have over 600 authentic prop and wardrobe items in my collection. I have Adam Sandler’s “HERO” football from The Longest Yard. I have a “screen used” mask from Scream 4 that Wes Craven signed and gave to a woman that worked with him on the set. I have a sweater sleeve that was used in making the trailer for Nightmare on Elm Street 5. In the past few weeks I got it signed by Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, and Amanda Wyss! I also have a 17’ alligator that Jim Carrey pulled into the water by its tail in Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls!

logoLBoH: What type of memorabilia can fans purchase from you, whether it be set used props or Goblin Head memorabilia?

Tim Shockey: We have 100’s of items on our website from many different movies. We also have bottles of “Goblin Dust” which is dust from where we sanded on the Green Goblin head while restoring it. We also have some ½” x ½” pieces are painted red, and a few black. After painting the head we noticed that the top back of the head was cut crooked so we cut it straight which gave us a strip that we cut into pieces. All bottle of Goblin Dust and pieces come with a C.O.A. of Authenticity. We also are selling our 2013 tour t-shirts. These are really awesome! On the front they say “The Goblin Project” and has a picture of the Green Goblin head and on the back side it is like a concert tour shirt. It lists all of the shows we are doing this year along with the cities and dates. Really cool shirts! All of this can be purchased at our site

LBoH: With countless horror/scifi conventions out there, at which conventions will you and Goblin Head be making an appearance?

Tim Shockey: This year we have 2 more shows left. Spooky Empire in Orlando, FL October 25 – 27 and Coast City Comic Con in S. Portland, Maine November 9 & 10. We are still working on next years list. So far we Have a show in Pensacola, FL in February, A show in Niagara Falls, Canada in June, and possibly a show in the UK. We are contacting all the shows we can in hopes of having 3-4 shows a month in 2014!

LBoH: What are your future plans for the Goblin Head and the other memorabilia you own?

Tim Shockey: Some day we hope to open a museum to put all of our memorabilia in and hope to keep adding to it. We really enjoy sharing261695_381048912013206_2041448260_n it with fans everywhere!

The next time you see Tim Shockey at a convention, be sure to shake his hand and thank him for restoring such an incredible piece of film history.

To keep up with the Goblin Head and where you can see Tim and his fantastic work, like the Green Goblin Head Facebook page and visit the The Goblin Project website.  To view and purchase more movie memorabilia, visit the Hollywood Prop Collector website.  You can also follow Tim on twitter @tshockey, @HPCPropmaster and of course @GreenGoblinHead (all of these links are on the right sidebar of the page or you can click on the links here).

*All photos credit to the Green Goblin Head Facebook page and Tim Shockey*

*All links in this article are functional and lead to their described websites*

My Experience at Scarefest 6

sf6-logo-300x145 I had the opportunity to have a Press Pass for Scarefest 6 this past weekend.  I was at the event on Saturday September 14 and this was my first Scarefest.

DSCF8016When you enter the Lexington Convention Center for Sacrefest, you are greeted by an amazing entrance way that leads you down a corridor and into the hall where the DSCF8020convention is held.   The first stop for many fans was of course, the Scarefest backdrop where you and your friends could take a nice commemorative together or with one of the many amazing cosplayers that were walking around.  After you pass the backdrop, you enter the room where all of the vendors and celebrity guests are set up.

DSCF8007The cosplayers that were on hand to entertain and take photos with fans were some of the best I have ever seen.  Aside from the Star Wars and Silent Hill group that were taking pictures with fans by the Scarefest backdrop, there was the king of horror himself, Jason Vorhees.  The man behind the mask was one of the most intense cosplayers I have ever met.  He never broke character and he did not speak.  One of the best takes on Jason I have ever seen.   Absolutely amazing!

First stop made in the sea of amazing guests was none other than Sean Clark, writer/producer of TheDSCF7995 Black Waters of Echo’s Pond, writer/host of Horror’s Hallowed Grounds and owner of Convention All Stars (many know him as @malfuncsean on twitter).  Sean is a sweet, down to earth person.  He took his time talking to his fans and was very humble about his work.  I would highly suggest saying hello to him at the next convention you see him at.

DSCF7997We made our way through the path of vendors and met the amazingly talented icon, Kane Hodder.  In his appearance, he is very intimidating, but he is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.  Kane was also very appreciative to his fans and loves meeting them.  For those of you that have yet to meet or be choked by Mr. Hodder, yes he really does choke you, it is not an act.  He saw my Hatchet Army DSCF7998tattoo on the back of my neck and was so blown away by it, that he asked me if he could take a picture with it. Kane is a real class act and one of the best human beings I have had the opportunity of meeting.

DSCF8001Next, was a short walk across from Kane to the lovely Danielle Harris.  Danielle is so sweet to all that visit her.  She is as adorable in person as she is on screen.  She is also quite funny.  Despite what some people think about her, she was nice to her fans and more than happy to take pictures with them and sign whatever they asked her to.

After meeting Danielle, it was time for the Malcolm McDowell Q&A panel.  Mr. McDowell DSCF8013was all about having fun with the people that asked him questions.  He was serious about discussing his work, but had his guests laughing almost the whole time.

DSCF8017Aaron Goodwin of the hit Travel Channel show, Ghost Adventures, was on hand having fun with his fans and making people laugh. He ran his own “Big Steppin” booth while he signed for fans.  He still took the time out to meet ant talk to each and every one of them.  He was next to his adorable, talented sister Amy.

All of the celebrity guests were just as excited to meet their fans as their fans were to DSCF8002meet them.

DSCF8004There were some random things at Scarefest like the Mystery Machine and the Scooby Gang and of course some mannequins and Halloween props to entertain the guests walking around.

There were a ton of vendors!  All of them were incredible.  My personal favorite was a vendor called Terror Gloves.  They make replica Freddy Krueger gloves.  These had to be some of the best gloves I have ever seen.  Much like DSCF8006other conventions, there was a lot of DSCF8005one of a kind jewelry and other horror collectibles.  There were more vendors at Scarefest 6 than I have ever seen at any other convention I have previously been to.

Everyone was nice as can be and the “staph” was helpful and very well organized.  I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Scarefest even though I was only there for one day of the three day event.  I will more than likely be making the 4 1/2 hour trip to Lexington again next year for Scarefest 7 1185665_10201285120283365_1760803024_nand hopefully be there for the whole weekend.  I hope all of you that made it out this year enjoyed your time there as much as I did and I hope to see you there next year!

BigtimeTeez Review: This Is What I Think About Your Stupid Stick Figure Family T-Shirt

BigtimeTeez Header LogoStick-Figure-400x400We have all seen them, starring at us from the back window of that minivan in front of us.  That’s right, that adorable stick figure family smiling and waving at us from the bottom corner of the window.  I personally find these creepy little sticker people obnoxious.Stick-Figure-400x400 (1)

BigtimeTeez has come out with the This Is  What I Think About Your Stupid Stick Figure Family t-shirt to help those of us that are not so into the “stick figure families” express how we feel.  This funny t-shirt shows a character inspired by the iconic Leatherface chasing down an unsuspecting stick figure family with his trusty chainsaw with the phrase “THIS IS WHAT I THINK ABOUT YOUR STUPID STICK FIGURE FAMILY‘ underneath the picture.  The design covers the entire chest and runs almost armpit to armpit. The screen printing is the usual BigtimeTeez quality.  No cracking or peeling edges.

The material of the BigtimeTeez This Is What I Think About Your Stupid Stick Figure Family t-shirt is soft and very comfortable.  It is also preshrunk.  The size of this funny t-shirt is true to the size on the chart provided at  Many t-shirt companies say that DSCF7988their shirts are preshrunk and when you throw them in the dryer, they still shrink, but BigtimeTeez’ BTT Free Shipping Side Bannert-shirts are the same size when you pull them out of the dryer as they are when you throw them in.  The t-shirts are also durable.  A lot of times when you wash a shirt a certain number of times, little holes start to appear in the seams, but this is not the case here.

The BigtimeTeez This Is What I Think About Your Stupid Stick Figure Family t-shirt is available in men’s, women’s and kid’s sizes.  BigtimeTeez has also added more style options for you to choose from.  They offer adult tank tops (men’s standard sizes), V-necks (men’s and women’s sizes), adult long-sleeve shirts (men’s standard sizes), and with fall arriving, pullover and zip-up hoodies.

This funny t-shirt starts at only $16.99 (depending on size and style options).  Compared to the price of a similar t-shirt at the mall, even with shipping included this is still a fair price.  If that is not a low enough price, use code miss15 at checkout for 15% off your entire order (no minimum purchase, US and UK orders, not valid with other offers).  BigtimeTeez also offers free shipping on orders of $50 or more (US orders only, can not be combined with other offers).  If I haven’t answered the question I get asked a lot, yes BigtimeTeez does ship to the UK.

Be sure to like BigtimeTeez on Facebook (Facebook fans get 15% off) and follow them on twitter for more exclusive deals, the $9.99 t-shirt of the day, new design alerts and daily giveaways.


BigtimeTeez Review: Zombie Outbreak Response Team T-Shirt

BigtimeTeez Header LogoZombie Outbreak Response Team T-Shirt-400x400Who doesn’t love a zombie apocalypse inspired t-shirt?  I know I do.  I recently received from BigtimeTeez the Zombie Outbreak Response Team t-shirt.  This funny t-shirt from BigtimeTeez is quite awesome.

The design of the Zombie Outbreak Response Team t-shirt is medium to large sized.  It covers the whole chest area of the t-shirt.  It boasts a circle with the phrase “Zombie Zombie Outbreak Response Team T-Shirt-400x400 (1)Outbreak Response Team” in the circle.  In the center there is a bio-hazard symbol.  I have the t-shirt in black and the bold green stands out nicely on the shirt.

The material of the t-shirt is soft and breathable.  The fit is perfect and true to the BigtimeTeez size chart.  The t-shirt is 100% cotton and preshrunk, so you will not have to worry about throwing this funny t-shirt in the dryer.  Another cool thing about this shirt, and this goes for all of the funny t-shirts from BigtimeTeez, it does not lose it’s shape while it’s being worn (even when playing with a 3-year-old) or after it has been washed.

This awesome funny t-shirt from BigtimeTeez is offered in men’s, women’s and kid’s sizes.  It is also available in many t-shirt color options.  With summer upon us, you can pick the Zombie Outbreak Response Team t-shirt in a tank top.  It is also available in pullover and zip-up hoodies for the approaching fall.  Tank tops and hoodies are available in men’s standard sizes.  If you’re not a stick figure, don’t worry, BigtimeTeez offers their funny t-shirts up to 5 XL!

DSCF7487 (2)The Zombie Outbreak Response Team t-shirt starts at only $16.99 (depending on size and color options)!  If that is not low enough for you, then you can use code miss15 at checkout for 15% off of your entire purchase.

I highly recommend the Zombie Outbreak Response Team t-shirt to any fan of zombie movies or believers in the zombie apocalypse.

Be sure to like BigtimeTeez on Facebook (Facebook fans get 15% off) and follow them on twitter for new design announcements, new deals and giveaways.


Contests/Giveaways from Spirit Halloween

It’s no secret that my favorite holiday is Halloween.  With Halloween only a couple of months away, I will be doing more Halloween themed articles.  To kick this off, here are a couple of contests/daily giveaways from one of my favorite Halloween stores, Spirit Halloween.

Click on the pictures to enter:



Good Luck!

Rotten Cotton Review : Girl’s Exorcist Tank Top


As many of you may know, I am a huge fan of Rotten Cotton and that they have the most badass horror t-shirts on the web.  I received the girl’s Exorcist tank top to review and I must say, it is awesome.

972T-Possessed-Girl-TankThe Rotten Cotton Exorcist tank top is comfortable and fits well.  The material is soft and very flattering on the female figure.  The straps are a good width and easily cover bra straps.  I love that this is a standard tank top and not spaghetti strap or racer-back.  It is very breathable and definitely good for those hot summer days.

The design of Rotten Cotton’s Exorcist tank top is completely badass!  It boasts the face a possessed Regan MacNeil in bold white covering almost the entire front of the tank top.  The design itself is very simplistic, but there is no doubt who is pictured on the front.  I wore it yesterday and everyone that seen it automatically knew who it was.  The screen printing is flawless. Absolutely no peeling at the edges and no cracking in the design.New Image

The girls’s tank tops at Rotten Cotton are awesome to say the least.  Hopefully they will begin carrying girl’s t-shirts eventually, but even if they don’t, their tank tops are a perfect fit for any lady trying to keep cool this summer

Be sure to like Rotten Cotton on Facebook and follow them on twitter for announcements and awesome news!

Also be sure to check out Rotten Cotton’s indiegogo campaign, “Black Devil Doll”!


Rotten Cotton “Hellraiser” by Chas Balun T-Shirt Review

New-RC-LogoEveryone knows that Rotten Cotton is the best place on the web for insanely badass horror t-shirts.  The Hellraiser t-shirt is no doubt completely badass.

The Hellraiser t-shirt is in a men’s standard size and is very true to the size chart.  The material of the shirt is lightweight and comfortable.  This awesome horror t-shirt is available in men’s standard sizes small-XXXL.

The design on this shirt was created by Chas Balun and is incredibly original.  The collage of scenes from

Hellraiser was very well thought out and put together seamlessly.  The color in the design is simplistic but still stands out and insures a lot of attention with be brought to it.  The design is large and covers nearly the entire front of the t-shirt.DSCF7650

The screen printing is immaculate.  There are no flaws or cracks in it.   The brilliant artwork lays flat on the shirt when it is being worn and does not crease.

All in all I would recommend the Hellraiser t-shirt by Chas Balun to any fan of the Hellraiser franchise.  Definitely one of the best I have ever seen.

Keep in contact with Rotten Cotton and find out about new t-shirts by liking them on Facebook and following them on twitter.  Also be sure to check out their indiegogo project “Black Devil Doll”.

TGDN_Logo_Release2B Up and Coming Horror T-shirt Store


I have been talking to my friends at, and I have been informed that they have a site that offers officially licensed horror t-shirts.  This site is called

Rick of BigtimeTeez told me about this site just this morning and he told me that it has been a dream of his to run a horror shop.  I would like to help make that dream come true. offers shirts from so many classic horror movies.  Some of my favorite have to be the Halloween shirts they offer. Night-He-Came-Home-ThumbThe Halloween designs they have display some of the most iconic imagery from the classic film.  The pumpkin with the knife and Michael peering over the railing of the stairs.

They also offer horror t-shirts from the 1974 cult classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Killer Klowns, Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Godzilla and more.Leatherface_and_Grandpa

Some of my other personal favorites are the shirts they offer from the amazing movie Army of Darkness.  My favorite may have to be the one with the image of a young Bruce Campbell holding his gun with the ever popular saying “This is my boom stick” .


These awesome horror t-shirts offered from are in men’s standard sizes and start at $21.99 (depending on size options).  One of the coolest things about ordering from is that with each order you get a pack of Fright Flicks cards free!300

Check out and like them on Facebook to help a fellow horror fan out while getting some really awesome horror t-shirts!