Tag Archives: Sleepy Hollow recap

Recap/Review: ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Episode 3: “For the Triumph of Evil” (with link to watch the episode)

Sleepy-Hollow-Title-624x424I must say that I am thoroughly loving Fox’sSleepy Hollow‘.  Only three episodes in, the series is really becoming intense.  Last night’s episode was called “For the Triumph of Evil” and boy was the episode titled perfectly.


Last night, some of the residents of Sleepy Hollow were having some pretty frightening, intense dreams.  In these dreams, they are haunted by a dream demon with hollow eyes and frankly put, looks like a missing member of the Misfits.  This dream demon is a vengeful sort that wishes to right the wrongs of the people he is haunting in dreamland.  When Lt. Mills and Ichabod Crane look into this  dream invader, not so lovingly nicknamed the Sandman, they find that he is linked to Lt. Mills and her past and is seeking vengeance for a past event that all those haunted were involved with that Lt. Mills knows all too much about.

With ‘Sleepy Hollow‘ taking a turn towards demons and the supernatural, the Horseman did not make an appearance in last night’s episode.  “For the Triumph of Evil” was mostly based around the events that took place when Lt. Mills and her sister were lost in the woods, it would seem that those events have a lot to do with the chaos that is unfolding in the lovely town of Sleepy Hollow.

The previous episodes have been packed with a lot of humor to help balance out the horrors of the show, but last night, there was not nearly as much humor.  There were still a few moments that were chuckle worthy, but there were far more dramatic moments filled with tragedy than funny ones.

Lt. Mills and Ichabod Crane strip down a bit and go into dreamland to battle “The Sandman“.  In that moment, Lt. Mills comes to terms with her past wrongs when she comes face to face with the dream demon.

I’m all for crazy couples in television, and I say this because in last night’s episode, there seemed to be a bit of flirtation going on between Ichabod and Miss Mills.  It is not insanely obvious, but if you pay attention, it is there. Speaking of crazy, Orlando Jones‘ character seems to be getting stranger and much more mysterious as the season progresses.

I don’t want to give away what it is, but at the end of the episode Lt. Mills goes to visit her sister, and when she arrives, something is up.


I know the show is called ‘Sleepy Hollow‘, and when I think of ‘Sleepy Hollow‘, I think of the Headless Horseman.  The Horseman has not had much screen time in the series so far, but I do not mind that.  The introductions to the paranormal and the supernatural the show is giving makes it that much more interesting in my opinion.  In the ‘Sleepy Hollow‘ films, there was witchcraft, but the introduction of demons and apocalyptic horsemen give much more depth to the show and frankly makes the story makes more sense to me.

I am going to continue to watch this show.  I think it is safe to say that I have been sucked into the drama and carnage of ‘Sleepy Hollow


If you missed last night’s episode, below is a link from Fox to watch the full episode (I know this works for US viewers, but I’m not sure about UK).

To watch “For the Triumph of Evil“, CLICK HERE 


Recap/Review: ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Episode 2 ‘Blood Moon’

rs_293x473-130711142629-634.sleepy.cm.71113_copyLast night was episode two of the new Fox hit ‘Sleepy Hollow‘.  I am going to give a brief recap, but I will try not to give too much away for those of you that have yet to see it.


Last night’s episode was called ‘Blood Moon‘.  The Horseman is not in this episode for very long, instead, the main focuses are the witchcraft and demons that are terrorizing Sleepy Hollow.  In this episode, you will see a demon, a couple of resurrections, a bit of witchcraft, a ghost, crazy dream sequences and a lot of fire.

Lt. Mills is slowly beginning to believe Ichabod’s story a bit more as he shows her some of Sleepy Hollow’s oldest secrets.  There is an internal threat, someone close to Lt. Mills, that is aiding the dark forces.  Katrina is still coming to Ichabod in dreams to tell him what’s coming and how to handle it.  Lt. Mills begins seeing a ghost and a few possessions of this ghost will help Lt. Mills and Ichabod discover more about the dark forces that threaten them and all of Sleepy Hollow.

There is a new character that is introduced, she’s a bit evil and I don’t believe we will be seeing her in any of the upcoming episodes. She was the main focus of last night’s episode.

Not to worry, there are still a lot of scenes of comedy cleverly woven into the madness of ‘Sleepy Hollow‘ as Ichabod is still trying to come to terms with how his beloved town has changed in the two centuries he has been “asleep”.


I loved last night’s episode.  I think it is great that the writers have decided not to put the main focus on just Ichabod and his battle with the Horseman.  With the addition of demons and witchcraft, it gives the show much more substance and greatly increases the wow factor of the show.  With the added substance, the show does not get boring at all as if, the show were just based around Ichabod and the Horseman battling.  The added twists and turns greatly elevate my interest in ‘Sleepy Hollow‘.

I will strongly caution that you pay very close attention.  Like with the first episode, there are a lot of plot twists and dream sequences that help to better explain what is going on and if you are not paying attention, you will be beyond lost.

Sleepy Hollow‘ is definitely showing promise and quickly becoming one of my favorite shows.  For those of you that have read the classic ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow‘ and or have watched the various films out that are based off of the story and think it is just going to be the same, I urge that you watch the show.  It is vastly different and, in my opinion, much more entertaining that most of the films out.

Sleepy Hollow‘ has all of the makings to be a hit television series.

For those of you that missed last night’s episode, below is a link to watch it (I know for sure it works for US viewers not sure about UK).  It is spam and virus free.  It is from Fox.

Click here to watch ‘Blood Moon’

You can also catch last week’s episode of ‘Sleepy Hollow‘ there as well.